National university of lesotho

Campus Service

Campu Services Manager - Rasekoai Majoro


Works and Maintenance Department is one of the oldest University Departments formed in 1940’s. It is a service arm for infrastructure facilities, repairs and provision of various services to NUL Community.


The business of the department is to provide the following services to its customers namely students and staff:

  • Provision of acceptable standards of teaching facilities and accommodation within buildings owned or leased by NUL (Prepare plans for development and maintenance of sites, buildings and facilities)
  • Provision of acceptable and reliable transport services;
  • Provision of quality municipal services to the clients (offices, houses, utilities etc);
  • Provision of cleaning services (Upkeep of grounds at all campuses).


Mr. Refiloe Mphethi   – Maintenance Manager

Bsc – Quantity Survey (WITS University)

Bsc – Mathematics & Physics (NUL)

Member of Higher Education Facility Management of Southern Africa (HEFMA)

Mr. Rasekoai Majoro – General Manager Services

B.A Business and Entrepreneurship (NUL), Dip. Business Management (NUL)

Member of Higher Education Facility Management of Southern Africa (HEFMA)

Member of ITS User Group

Mrs. ‘Maseipati Motsamai – Estates and Utility Manager

B.A Business and Entrepreneurship (NUL), Dip. Business Management (NUL)

Mr. Motsoko Motsoko – Grounds Upkeep Officer

Diploma in Architectural Technology

Member of South African Institute of Architectural Technologies NPC (SAIAT)

Member of Lesotho Architectural Association (LAA)

Mrs. Mamotuba Letseka-Hloai- Chief Technical Officer-Planning Construction Engineering and Architecture (LP)

Member of Higher Education Facility Management of Southern Africa (HEFMA)

Mr. Dube Emanuel Moshoeshoe- Transport Officer

Dip. Mechanical Engineering (LP), Higher National Dip. Mech. Eng.(Plant) (Kaduna Polytechnic Nigeria)

Mr. Tholoana Mohlerepe – Maintenance Officer – Regions

Cert. in Carpentry and Joinery (LP)

Mr. Tsepo Pastor Motoko – Maintenance Officer – Student Residences

Cert. in Plumbing and Sheet Metal (LP)


Tel:          +266 22340601

Direct:     +266 22340216

+266 52213382

Fax:         +266 22340216