NUL Alumni Registration Form
National University of Lesotho (NUL) invites all its graduates (alumni) to register and keep in touch with their Alma Mater. Whether you are a recent graduate or one of our distinguished alumni, NUL is glad to be a part of your academic and professional success ‐ a tradition we strive to continue for more than 75 years!
As a graduate of NUL you play an important part in supporting our students, building our institution and being an ambassador of the University.
The purpose of registration is to build a database that will enable interaction between NUL and former students, establish linkages among alumni in different regions, help raise the profile of NUL and enhance contributions to the University in various ways. NUL also relies on alumni to provide mentoring, internships and career opportunities for students; support during programme design as well as mobilization of resources for the University.
Who is considered an Alumnus of the National University of Lesotho?
- Degree-holders are automatically considered alumni.
- Non-degree holders who were admitted to any faculty, institute or centre at the National University of Lesotho and then departed the university in good standing after completing at least one semester may be considered alumni. It is recommended that these individuals contact the university to verify their alumni status.
– All fields marked with * are required
– Your image should not be more than 2MB
– Passport-size photo (which is optional) format should be jpeg, jpg, or png
– Please share the link with other alumni so that they can register.
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